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+91 8445262823 Near Ram Jhula, Swarg Ashram, Jonk, Rishikesh


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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India

Gurukul Yogashala – The Traditional Yoga School

Are you passionate about Yoga, and want to change the lives of many towards a more empowered state
of being? Then transform this passion into a rewarding career by becoming a USA Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher by completing a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

At the Tapo-bhumi of Rishikesh, known for its breathtaking scenic beauty and for its enchanting spiritual vibe, the 200 hour yoga teacher training course is the first step to begin your journey towards mental and physical enhancement.

Rishikesh, Yoga Capital of the World, is a strong choice to start your yoga journey and discover yourself in the lap of the sacred Ganga. Gurukul Yogashala follows the traditional knowledge of Vedas to help you find ways to connect with your inner self. Wait no longer and come join us for this incredible experience – And Welcome to the World of Yoga!

This course starts from 1st of every month starting from USD 599.

Deep Rooted Traditional Vedic Practices

The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher training Course at Gurukul Yogashala is based on the traditional practices of yoga from our ancient scriptures – the Vedas taught by teachers who are the Masters and Ph.d holders with decades of experience. You will learn the traditional form of Hatha Yoga, Mysore-style Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga. Apart from the daily twice asana practice you will learn the Shatkarma Kriyas (Yogic cleansing), Pranayama. Meditation and Yog Nidra. To Understand the philosophy behind everything you will learn Yoga History and Philosophy, Ayurveda and Anatomy and Physiology. Along with this you will learn the right posture alignment and teaching methodology which will help you to conduct classes as a Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher.

A life-changing Yoga Journey in Rishikesh

If you're looking for the traditional 200 Hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, you're in the right place!

Yoga is just not about the asanas rather Yoga is a lifestyle and Gurukul Yogashala’s 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course helps you in finding the right balance of inner-peace with an opportunity to walk on the path of self-discovery summing up your journey in Rishikesh to be life-changing.

With the belief system of “You Become What You Think”, Gurukul Yogashla’s 200 Hour Multi-style Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh will help you understand different aspects of Yoga ranging from asanas, philosophy, ayurveda, pranayama, meditation, and much more with various complimentary sessions of Sound Healing Session, Reiki Healing Session, Kundalini Yoga, & Emotional Healing Session with guided spiritual excursions helping you understand Yoga as a Holistic Approach.

If you want to get in-depth authentic knowledge with a life-changing journey of self-discovery, then 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh at Gurukul Yogashala is the right choice for you! Let’s begin the journey of becoming Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher today!

05+ Year of
1000+ Students
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Course Syllabus

What you will learn in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Course in Rishikesh at Gurukul Yogashala?

At Gurukul Yogashala, you will be given an opportunity to learn the traditional knowledge of Yogic Science as described in ancient text of Vedas and as described by rishis and sages in this holy city of Rishikesh. The course which spans between 24 days to 30 days depending upon your choice of program will help your understand the traditional teachings with a modern outlook so you can easily apply in your daily life and teach others also after the completion of the course. Let have a look what you will learn:

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Curriculum:

Traditional Hatha Yoga:

Hatha yoga is one of the most ancient branches of yoga, with a history dating back over a thousand years. Hatha yoga Sessions are rooted in ancient practices evolving your consciousness to higher understanding. Our experienced teachers tailor lessons to each student's flexibility and strength to master poses, promoting optimal health and peace of mind.

Following are the things you will learn during you 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh:

  • Focus on refining alignment
  • Find your strength while holding poses for an extended period
  • Synchronizing Breath with Asana Movement
  • Attain flexibility with forward and back bending asanas
  • Enhance concentration with balancing asanas
  • Understand the benefits of Inversion asanas on mind and body


Mysore Style Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow:

K. Pattabhi Jois developed a modern-day form called Ashtanga Vinyasa in the mid-20th century, an energetic practice of mindful movements with breath awareness. In a 200-hour yoga teacher training course, the first series of Ashtanga yoga is taught in a systematic manner help you in achieving your goal. Ashtanga & Vinyasa series is a self-assisted series but when you are learning from an experienced teacher then you will understand the right way to do all the asanas in the series.

Following are the things you will learn during you 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh:

  • Introduction of Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga
  • Role of Drishti in every asana
  • Synchronizing breath with asanas
  • Doing Bandhas in Asanas
  • Transitioning to self-practice
  • Detoxifying and purifying body with asanas


Practices of Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is based on the Taoist concept of yin and yang, opposite and complementary principles in nature. Yin yoga works deeply into your body with passive, longer-held poses. The practice of Yin yoga is a transformative journey of self-discovery that gives practitioners unprecedented access to the deeper realms of the mind and body.

Benefits of Regular Practice of Yin Yoga

  • Increases circulation and improves flexibility.
  • Calms and balances the mind and body.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Releases fascia.
  • Encourages deeper relaxation.

The Yin Yoga will be included in the last week in our 28 days 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course.


Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga is a restful practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. Restorative yoga is suitable for practitioners of all levels. It is a practice of deep relaxation that emphasizes the meditative aspect of yoga—the union of body and mind. Through the use of props for support, many of the postures are held almost effortlessly.

Benefits of Restorative Yoga:

  • Increased Relaxation.
  • Better Sleep.
  • Reduced Pain.
  • Improved Well-being.
  • Gentle on the body


Practices of Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga primary series, a style of Hatha Yoga that emphasizes precise alignment, proper posture, and accuracy in each pose. Developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, this practice enhances the mind-body connection through asanas. With the guidance of our experienced teachers, you'll learn how to achieve healthy posture for various activities using props and meticulous form attention.

In our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course, you'll learn the basics of Iyengar Yoga primary series, including:

  • The proper alignment of each pose.
  • How to use props to help students achieve correct alignment.
  • How to modify poses for students with different needs.
  • How to sequence the poses in a way that is safe and effective.

Why does Gurukul Yogashala offer a 200-hour teacher training program that includes Iyengar Yoga?

Iyengar Yoga primary series is a progressive sequence of asanas that is designed to build a strong foundation in yoga. It is suitable for all levels of students and can be modified to meet the individual needs of each student. Iyengar Yoga also emphasizes the importance of precise alignment and attention to detail, which can help students avoid injuries and get the most out of their practice.

Benefits of Iyengar Yoga primary series:

  • Improved flexibility and strength.
  • Increased balance and coordination.
  • Increased self-awareness and body awareness.
  • Improved posture.


Asana Alignment and Adjustment

During our 200-hour Yoga Teachers Training Course, you will receive in-depth instruction on proper asana alignment and adjustment. Our experienced instructors will equip you with the skills to guide students safely using verbal cues and physical adjustments, as well as the ability to observe and assess alignment and modify poses to accommodate diverse body types. By completing our comprehensive program, you will have the knowledge and expertise to create a secure and welcoming environment for all your students to practice yoga.

  • Importance of body alignment in yoga asanas.
  • Alignment and precision in the practice of asanas.
  • Use of Props such as blocks, straps, and blankets for correct alignment.
  • Poses timing to deepen their practice and cultivate mindfulness.
  • close attention to the details of each pose.
  • Alignment in various postures: standing, seated, backward/forward extensions, twisting, and inverted postures
  • Explanation of alignment includes: correct posture performance, common mistakes, precautions, contraindications, benefits, modifications, and adjustments (verbal and hands-on)


Anatomy and Physiology

In our sessions, we put an extreme emphasis on the understanding of Anatomy and Physiology of the body, as without this knowledge, the impact of various asanas on the body and the mind cannot be realised. The subject encompasses two main areas of anatomy: physical and spiritual. Physical anatomy covers a range of topics including the body's structure, bones, muscular and nervous systems, and more. Meanwhile, spiritual anatomy delves into concepts such as chakras, energy channels, and the five layers of the self, among others. Studying both types of anatomy enables yoga teachers to guide students towards a more holistic practice by understanding how the body and mind work together.

Physical Anatomy

  • Introduction of Body structure and Its motion.
  • Anatomical explanation of Asana.
  • Anatomy and Physiology of the Muscles, Knees, Hips, Spine, Neck, and Shoulders.
  • Anatomical Movements and Bones of the Skull, Cervical, Vertebrae, Shoulder Girdle/ Arm Bones/ Pelvic Region.
  • Deformities of the Spine Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Tendons and Ligaments.
  • An overview of the Muscular System, Skeletal system, Respiratory System.
  • Food & Digestive System.
  • The Breathing Mechanism in Yoga, an Overview of Bandhas.

Spiritual Anatomy

  • Overview of the Nadi. (Energy Channel)
  • Overview of the Chakras. (Energy Centres)
  • Overview of the Panchakosha. (5 Layers)
  • Overview of the Pancha Mahabhuta. (5 Elements and Body Structure)
  • Overview of the Tri-Guna. (Three Attributes)
  • Overview of the Kundalini. (Prime Energy and Source of All Creativity)


History and Philosophy of Yoga

The 200-hour Yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh offered by Gurukul Yogshala presents a special chance for people worldwide to enhance their understanding of yoga and share its principles and philosophy. The philosophy of yoga is based on several key concepts, including the belief in a higher power or consciousness, the importance of self-realization, and the recognition of the interconnectedness of all things. To teach yoga effectively, it's important to have a comprehensive understanding of these concepts and be able to communicate them well to students. The training program is an excellent opportunity to achieve both objectives.

Here you will learn:

  • Introduction of Yoga Philosophy (Yog Darshan) and its Evolution.
  • Introduction of Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
  • Nadis (Ida, Pingala & Sushumna).
  • Introduction of Chakras.
  • Explanation of Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
  • Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga.
  • Pancha – Vayus, Panchakoshas.
  • Sattva, Rajas & Tamas (Trigunas).
  • Four Padas of Yoga Sutras.
  • Life stories of yogis (Inspiring stories).
  • Introduction to Vedas.


Method and Rhythm of Respiration (Pranayama)

In this course, you will learn various breathing techniques to purify the body and mind. Incorporating deep and controlled breathing into your yoga practice can provide numerous benefits, The course includes a discussion of theories to deepen your knowledge, as well as regular practice of these breathing exercises.

  • Introduction and benefits of Pranayama.
  • Introduction of meditative poses and mudras.
  • Introduction of bandhas (locks) and Kumbhakas. (breath retention).
  • Breathing Techniques: Clavicular, Thoracic, and Diaphragmatic & Yogic Breathing.
  • Introduction of Pranayama. (Nadi – Sodhana, Surya – Bhedi, Chandra – Bhedi, Ujjayi, Kapalbhati, Bhramari, Bhastrika, Sheetali, Sheetkari)


Methodology of Meditation (Dhyana)

Experience the true essence and significance of Meditation through our Dhyana sessions. Our school offers comprehensive teachings and practical exercises that allow you to delve deeper into your inner self, leading to improved concentration and focus by removing external disturbances. Our Meditation classes provide you with the tools and techniques to embark on an inward journey, helping you achieve a heightened sense of awareness and mental clarity. Join us and discover the transformative benefits of Dhyana Meditation.

  • Introduction of Meditation and its Importance.
  • Introduction of History and Philosophy of Meditation.
  • Tips for improving concentration and avoiding distractions during meditation.

The different meditation techniques that we teach are;

  • Om / Mantra Meditation.
  • Breath Awareness (Anapana).
  • Trataka Meditation.
  • Osho Dynamic meditation.
  • Silent Meditation & Practice Japa Meditation.
  • Ajapa Japa Meditation.
  • Antar Mouna Dhyana Meditation.
  • Nada Brahma Meditation.
  • Yoga Nidra Meditation.


Purification Methods (Shat Karma)

At our school, we prioritize the holistic health of our students by providing education on the significance of physical cleansing and maintaining balance between the body and mind. Through the practice of Shat Karmas such as Jalaneti, Rubber-neti, Eye-cleansing, Kapalbhati for lung cleansing, and Kunjal for stomach cleansing, students will learn various methods to achieve purity and balance in their physical and mental states. We believe that by integrating these practices into our curriculum, we can help our students develop healthy habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Shat Karmas that we will practice are:

  • Jala Neti.
  • Rubber-neti.
  • Eye-cleansing.
  • Kapalbhati- cleansing the lungs.
  • Kunjal - stomach cleansing.


Teaching Methodology

At our yoga school, we utilize a teaching methodology that blends traditional principles with contemporary demands. Our curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of how to prioritize a holistic approach while teaching, which encompasses physical postures, breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness. Aspiring students will gain a thorough understanding of these practices.

  • Developing a suitable sequence of breathing and posture techniques for all levels, with adaptable cues.
  • Cultivating positive communication and rapport with students.
  • Managing time effectively for efficient class structure and execution.
  • Possessing essential qualities of a successful teacher, including empathy and adaptability.
  • Demonstrating and observing key principles to guide student practice safely and effectively.
  • Assisting and correcting postures for proper alignment and injury prevention.
  • Utilizing effective voice cues to guide and maintain a calm atmosphere during class.
  • Preparing mentally and emotionally to create a positive learning environment.
  • Structuring classes step-by-step for a well-rounded and effective practice.



The Yoga teacher training Course at Gurukul Yogashala Rishikesh will be rated quantitatively based on a class rating of 200 hours of instruction. The following evaluations are part of this:

  • Written assessment- Upon completion of the task, you'll receive a written grade.
  • Practical evaluation: this will be scored on how well you plan and lead a real-world Yoga class.

The requirement of 90% attendance throughout the semester will be used as a criterion for each student's grade. A valid attendance rate of 90% is required, with an acceptable and understandable justification for the remaining 10% of missed classes.


Additional Learning

Apart from our curriculum included above, following are the various sessions that will be included when you join Gurukul Yogashala for an all-inclusive approach to yoga.

  • Therapy with sound vibrations.
  • Kirtan- a form of Hindu meditative music.
  • Yoga on the Beach.
  • Acro Yoga with a Partner.
  • Connect with yourself with Traditional Mantra Healing Session.
  • Know yourself with Kundalini Yoga Session.
  • Rediscover holistic health with Ayurveda Session.
  • Learn Self-care with our Trauma and Emotional Healing Session
  • d

Please take note that all of these supplementary classes are not required for the course but are nonetheless included.



Gurukul Yogashala follows a schedule prescribed by Yoga Alliance regulations.

05:30 AMWake Up
06:30 AMAshtanga
08:15 AMKriya
08450 AMPranayama
10:15 AMYoga Philosophy
11:15 AMBrunch
12:15 PMPhilosophy
01:00 PMTea Break
02:00 PMSelf Study
03:30 PMHatha Yoga
05:15 PMMeditation & Yoga Nidra
06:30 PMDinner

The Schedule is subject to change according to the availability of teachers. Final Schedule will be provided to you on your arrival.

For Yogi

Our lodging offers comfortable rooms with stunning mountain views, invigorating showers, spacious closets, and free Wi-Fi. Guests can choose between shared or private rooms, both with private bathrooms that have hot and cold running water. Nearby shops cater to all needs within walking distance. Our management team ensures a tidy atmosphere throughout your stay. You'll get to relish the aroma of nature and experience the essence of divinity while practicing yoga outdoors with a breathtaking view of the Himalayas and the Ganges. It's an idyllic setting to call home during your stay.

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200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Yoga Accommodation
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Accommodation
200 Hours TTC Accommodation
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Accommodation
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Yogic Food
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Yogic Food
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Yogic Food
200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Yogic Food

Yogic Food

Meals of a yogic diet have been served at the Gurukul Yogashala in Rishikesh. Getting started with yoga is easier with the help of our gluten-free, yogic diet. The meal, together with the detox tea and juices, contains a good balance of nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, and other minerals. We believe that medication loses its efficacy when consumed alongside unhealthy eating. Medication is unnecessary when the diet is healthy. What we eat has a significant impact on our ability to meditate and practice yoga.

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We understand taking a break is as necessary as practicing daily practical yoga sessions
and indulging and understanding philosophy behind the science of Yoga during the intensive yoga teacher training program.
That is why Gurukul Yogashala organizes guided spiritual excursion which will not only help you in relaxation
but will also give you an opportunity to connect with nature and yourself.

Kunjapuri Temple

Beach Yoga

Ganga Aarti

Water Fall

Course Fees & Upcoming Dates - Book Your Seat

1 Jun - 24 Jun 2024

Seats: 02 left

1 Jul - 24 Jul 2024

Seats: 5 left

1 Aug - 24 Aug 2024

Seats: 8 left

1 Sep - 24 Sep 2024

Seats: 15 left

1 Oct - 24 Oct 2024

Seats: 16 left

1 Nov - 24 Nov 2024

Seats: 18 left

1 Dec - 24 Dec 2024

Seats: 16 left

1 Jan - 24 Jan 2025

Seats: 18 left

1 Feb - 24 Feb 2025

Seats: 18 left

1 Mar - 24 Mar 2025

Seats: 18 left

Course Duration: 24 DAYS


Quad SharingTriple Sharing
USD 599$799USD 749$999
Twin SharingPrivate Room
USD 899$1199USD 1199$1599

Course Duration: 30 Days (with Pre & Postnatal YTTC and Yin YTTC)


Quad SharingTriple Sharing
USD 799$1066USD 899$1199
Twin SharingPrivate Room
USD 1049$1399USD 1499$1999




Why Gurukul Yogashala should be your final choice to start you Yoga Journey?

Gurukul Yogashala, Traditional Yoga School in Rishikesh, shares knowledge of yoga that is based on our ancient scriptures – the Vedas. Rishikesh, known as the Yoga Capital of the world, has always been blessed with true knowledge of yoga gurus and sages since ancient times. At Gurukul Yogashala, we believe that yoga is not just a physical practice but a holistic way of life that can be included in our daily lives to make it better. We stand by our traditional values but are determined to nurture transformation for modern needs. With the philosophy of "You Become What You Believe", we open the doors of self-discovery through our yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh to empower you with the skills and knowledge to become a certified yoga teacher.

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APPLY Course

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Certification Program in Rishikesh

Key Takeaways: 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Certification Program in Rishikesh

FAQS - 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

What is a 200 yoga teacher training course?

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training course or 200-hour Yoga TTC is a beginner yoga course that provides fundamental knowledge of yoga philosophy, anatomy, and alignment. This program enables participants to teach Hatha, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa yoga styles worldwide under the guidelines of Yoga Alliance USA. Join us in Rishikesh, the birthplace of yoga, to deepen your practice and become a certified yoga teacher.

Can a beginner enrol in the 200-hour yoga teacher training programme?

Yoga is not just for flexible or strong people, but for anyone who is willing to give time to themselves and yoga. A 200-hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh can help a beginner learn the basics of yoga and inspire them to teach in the future. Even if someone doesn't intend to teach, they can benefit from the knowledge gained in a TTC and apply it to their personal practice.

What is the duration of a 200-hour yoga teacher training programme?

The duration of 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh varies on course structure takes around 24 days to 30 days. The course follows the standards set by Yoga Alliance and covers the entire syllabus in 7 to 8 sessions per day.

How can I prepare for a 200-hour yoga teacher training course?

The 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is designed for beginners, so it's okay if you have no prior knowledge of yoga. However, it can still be overwhelming to learn so much new information. Before you attend the training, mentally prepare yourself for a month-long stay focused solely on your own growth. Bring personal belongings and essentials with you, as the course-related materials will be provided during the training.

Can I teach yoga after completing a 200-hour teacher training programme?

Certainly, completing a 200-hour yoga teacher training course is sufficient for obtaining a yoga teaching certification and being able to teach yoga classes in many places. However, in order to become a more confident and skilled teacher and teach professionally, some places may require a 500-hour certification or value teaching experience and skills over certification alone.



YOGA ALLIANCE U.S.A Certification
Yoga Philosophy Class in 200h Yoga TTC

Recommended Books - 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Hatha Yoga Pradipika Book PDF


Meditation and its Methods Book PDF


Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha Book PDF


Patanjali Yoga Sutras Book PDF


Yoga Sutras Book PDF


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    Dedication and self-motivation are essential for the success of our course. The practice and teaching of yoga require a profound level of self-discipline and purity. To uphold the integrity of the program, participants must actively participate in all spiritual activities, meditation sessions, lectures, and asana classes.

    In alignment with the principles of yoga, certain lifestyle choices are prohibited during the course. These include the consumption of meat, fish, eggs, black tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and any form of nudity. Such practices are counterproductive to the path of yoga. Participants who fail to adhere to these guidelines may be dismissed from the course to maintain the sanctity of the learning environment.

    Nudity is strictly prohibited.


    Please note the following regarding cancellations:

    An advance payment of course fees is non-refundable, except in cases of emergencies where students can reschedule to join us on other available schedules.

    If a student chooses to cancel the course after joining, the course fees will not be refunded. However, there is no additional charge for the cancellation itself.

    We encourage students to carefully consider their commitment to the course before making any payments.


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